Six Old-age Issues You Need to Know

Do you feel angsty when you wake up some mornings? You feel something is amiss, or about to go wrong. But you don’t know what it is. It burdens your heart but you can’t express it. What’s worse is you don’t have anybody to express it to, I do. And my first time got me…

What Are the Most Common Health Issues of the Elderly

Do you know that 92% of all seniors have, at least, one chronic health issue while 77% have two? If you are skeptical about this, stand beside or behind an elderly in drugstore counter and observe the wads of prescription pads he wants to be filled. I once stood beside a guy behind such a…

Seven Life Lessons to Help You Enjoy Life More

How do you enjoy life? If you surf this question, Google will show you ten articles about the subject on the first page, alone.  It will also show you that no less than 3 billion people are as interested to know the answer. And you should, too, because, at this point in your life, your…

Things You Need to Know about Aging in Place

A real issue faced by people on the verge of retiring is where to retire in – at home (aging in place), or in a care facility? Why? The euphoria of finally being free from the shackles of work, work, and more work clouds everything out. After years of making a living, now they want…

Myths and Realities of Being an Elderly

Many years ago, you did not know what it is to be old. Oh, you knew someday you will be. But you chose to put it in the backburner; ignored it because it evoked a lot of scary images in your mind. The stories you’ve heard about old people, the movies you saw and the…

Are You Living Your Life to the Fullest

Are you living your life to the fullest? The question got you, didn’t it? It made you scratch your head and ponder whether you are or are not. Either way will make you dig deeper into your soul, peel off its layers of pretenses to arrive at the naked truth. And nobody wants to appear naked…