
life as a senior

Age with Charm is about the life of a footloose old-timer.living full

Yes, I changed it from Living Fully to a footloose old-timer. The change was brought about by a bit of epiphany.

You see, I get a lot of guest post offers about nursing homes, the health benefits of cannabis or marijuana. Though I have written about those things, I don’t subscribe to them. I am still healthy and carefree. Except for osteoarthritis in my knees, I still keep an active lifestyle.

In short, I am a footloose old-timer. I still bike, play tennis, and travel a lot. Yes, my travels have been put on hold because of the pandemic, but things are opening up a bit and soon, I will be on the road again leading to some secluded beach resort somewhere.

For now, I confine myself to visiting local resorts for a day-use stay as an interlude from house chores and writing. Every now and then, I and my daughter bond together over a nice lunch or heavy snacks.

In short, I am unfettered by any of the various reasons that put elderly people like me in virtual isolation.

And I want to write about my escapades, if I may call it that, to show other old-timers that nothing can stop them from giving life another go. Of stuffing their bags and go somewhere they have never been to before – to explore, to find oneself, or to recharge old and sputtering batteries.

Not easy to be a senior

It is not easy to be a senior – especially if one lives alone like me. There will always be bouts of loneliness, body aches, and pains, unexplained anxieties, and the ever-present consciousness of breathing our last.

These are my present realities. Should I succumb to them, life would be a living hell. To unfetter me from these age-related thoughts, I go out and have fun. It can be as grand as a two-day stay in a resort or as simple as having coffee on Saturday evening.

They may seem petty. But they provide me the reason and opportunity of going out and have a change in environment and scenery. And you know what? Any of those petty little things can lead to something exciting, worthwhile, and memorable.

So get on with be and be a footloose old-timer.
