A Day in My Life as a Senior

What does a day in my life as a senior like? A few weeks ago, out of idleness, I thought of knowing what a day of some seniors be like. So I posted this question this question to some FB senior citizens groups: “What keeps you busy in a typical day?”

Things You Need to Know about Coron

“Have you been enjoying Coron so far?” I asked a German national in the same island-hopping tour I was in. He is 71 years old, like me, and traveling with his wife and sister-in-law. Though he’s been to the Philippines several times, it was also his first time in Coron. In typical German frankness, he…

How to Be Physically Fit in Six Ways

We all have a retirement bucket list (dreams). They can be small, or gigantic, sensible to wild, achievable or otherwise. And in my frequent interaction with other seniors, and reading FB threads from members of elderly groups, one of them stands 10 feet taller above the rest. Yes, some dream to travel, to fall in…

Six Old-age Issues You Need to Know

Do you feel angsty when you wake up some mornings? You feel something is amiss, or about to go wrong. But you don’t know what it is. It burdens your heart but you can’t express it. What’s worse is you don’t have anybody to express it to, I do. And my first time got me…

What Are the Most Common Health Issues of the Elderly

Do you know that 92% of all seniors have, at least, one chronic health issue while 77% have two? If you are skeptical about this, stand beside or behind an elderly in drugstore counter and observe the wads of prescription pads he wants to be filled. I once stood beside a guy behind such a…

How to Enjoy Siargao if You are not a Surfer

In 2018, more than seven million tourists visited Siargao. Those who have not been to Siargao or heard of it may go for a mad scramble to Google it and wonder why such a huge horde of people will visit this dot of an island in the southeast extremities of the Philippines. Well for one,…